The right spaces to attract and retain talent


Design inspiration

In today's competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent can be challenging. It's not just about offering competitive salaries and benefits; it's also about creating a workspace that speaks to the culture and values of your organization. In this blog, we will explore some key elements of designing the right spaces to attract and retain talent.

May 14, 2024
Design inspiration

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Design for Collaboration

Collaboration and bringing people together is what breeds innovation and inspiration. From large breakout areas to smaller touchdown spaces, open-plan offices to designated touchdown spaces, the goal is to create environments where people naturally come together to exchange ideas.

This can very successfully be done by incorporating a range of flexible furniture, and providing equipment such as whiteboards for task collaboration, as well as bigger cafeterias which serve as more informal collaboration points. This enables the workspace to become a vibrant hub which sparks innovation and collective achievement.

Design for Everyone

People experience and interact the world around them in many different ways, so inclusivity is key when it comes to designing a workspace that attracts and retains talent from diverse backgrounds. One way to address this is by implementing an activity-based working model; providing a range of work environments that cater to different work styles. For example quiet pods, small meeting rooms, soft seating areas and desks. It also means making sure spaces are accessible for any who are disabled or have special needs. This ensures that everyone feels comfortable and supported in their work environment and will not only foster productivity, but demonstrate to employees that their individual needs are important to the organisation.

CAE Technology Services demonstrates this well - see case study.

Design for Flexibility

As we are all aware, the rise of remote and hybrid working is not going to disappear. Having a sound hybrid working policy is going to be crucial to attracting the right talent for your company, and increases the need to make sure the workspace supports this by being as flexible as possible. This isn't just about considering flexible furniture, but ensuring that there is consistent AV equipment throughout the space, giving people greater options of where they can work. Flexibility is crucial to making the workspace future-proof as well. By having the variety of furniture and ensuring that the infrastructure is in place to support any changes will cater for any future business expansion requirements, making it a much better investment initially. Hydrock, a leading integrated engineering, energy and sustainability consultancy with a workspace in London are a great example of this - see case study.

Design with Intention

Human-centric design lies at the heart of creating a workspace that attracts and retains talent. It's about more than just aesthetics; it's about fostering a sense of belonging and embedding organisational culture into every aspect of the workspace. A great way to do this is by ensuring that the wayfinding throughout the space; intentionally putting in spaces that bring people together such as teapoints, collaboration spaces and co-working tables in main routes encourages a natural flow of connection and 'water cooler' moments which is what fosters that team culture. Minimising executive suites stimulates more transparency and open communication, again contributing to culture. Wellbeing also plays a big part - by intentionally providing wellbeing spaces such as prayer rooms or outdoor areas will demonstrate care of employees and promote positive mental health which in turn will influence their productivity.

Design for Connection

The word 'connection' has several different aspects in the workspace. Firstly there's connection to the online world; having a sufficient amount of private video and calling pods and adequate AV equipment throughout the whole workspace will enhance the experience of those working remote and enable more flexible working. There is also the aspect of connection to nature. By introducing biophilia, outdoor spaces or even pet-friendly areas within the workspace, you will be starting to address the wellbeing needs of employees and providing a pleasant environment to work in. Finally and most importantly, there is connection with people. Creating spaces where people can come together to collaborate and connect is what creates that 'magic', fostering culture and sparking the best innovations.

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Designing the right spaces to attract and retain talent requires careful consideration. It's not enough to simply follow trends or replicate what works for other organisations. Instead, it's essential to start with a clear strategy that aligns with the unique needs and values of your organization. However, by prioritising intentional design that brings people together, flexibility and inclusivity, you can create a workspace that not only attracts the top talent but also makes your workspace futureproof; fostering the culture that evolves with the people, and ensuring the infrastructure is in place to support changes will help cater for future growth and expansion.

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